What to expect?
The client’s modesty and dignity will be respected by the therapist at all times. The client is covered with towels throughout the treatment and only pulled back to reveal the areas of the body which need to be worked on. The length of the treatment will be discussed with the therapist during the initial consultation. Sports Massage involves force-full massage techniques which may prove to be uncomfortable. However intensity and pressure can be varied accordingly.
What do I wear?
Comfortable clothing, such as shorts, bikini bottoms. As long as the areas that need treatment are accessible and above all you feel comfortable. Try and avoid wearing clothing which may restrict movement. If you don’t feel at ease you must say immediately.
Eating and drinking?
Do not eat heavy meals or caffeine within 2 hours of the treatment. Drink plenty of water before and immediately after your treatment in order to stay well hydrated. Avoid alcohol 3 hours before and at least 2 hours after treatment. You cannot have any treatment if you are intoxicated.
How many sessions will I need?
This question is asked almost every time. This depends on the extent of your injury and the condition of your muscles. Normally muscles which have been injured or vigorously exercised for many years, without treatment, take about 4-5 repeated massage sessions to have an effect. This enables the breakdown of adhesion's and scar tissue, and allows the muscle to become fully pliable. Thereafter, it is recommended that you receive a massage once a month. Receiving regular massage can identify areas of scar tissue, tight muscle and prevent them from causing you to stop training or enjoying your activity.
Can I still have a massage if I’m feeling unwell?
No! Do not risk it, even if it’s a light cold. Your immune system is fighting the illness and a massage will compromise this and make you feel even worse. Wait until you have fully recovered.
Patient Conduct
The therapist will expect their client to behave in a respectable manner. Inappropriate behaviour or comments will not be tolerated and the treatment session will be termination immediately.
Payment and Cancellation Policy
Payment is requested at the end of each therapy session.
We require at least 24 hours notice to cancel a treatment. If it’s less than 24 hours then the session will be charged for. Therapy sessions will begin promptly at the time agreed. If you are late for your appointment the session will conclude at the original time (due to appointment schedule) and no time time will be added on at the end. If the therapist is more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled appointment the therapy session will conclude at the original time and a free session will be offered as compensation.
We will endeavour to reschedule appointments for our clients with less than 24 hours notice, but if we are unable to do so, the full fee will be incurred. MK Sports Therapy will aim to give our clients as much notice as possible should appointment needs to be rescheduled.
You will be required to sign a consenting form during the initial consultation. You must provide MK Sports Therapy with specific information about your health that is required before you begin the therapy session. MK Sports Therapy reserves the right to refuse treatment or cancel a session if the client is not medically fit to participate in the therapy session or if the client has not provided MK Sports Therapy with full and accurate information about their health and medical history.